Monthly fee
We charge a monthly fee of $3 / month for the Spaceship Voyager portfolios.
You are only charged the monthly fee when you have at least one Spaceship Voyager portfolio with a balance of $100 or more at any time during the month.
You are only charged one monthly fee, no matter how many portfolios you have.
Management fee
We also charge a percentage-based management fee to our Spaceship Voyager portfolios, of:
Spaceship Origin Portfolio | 0.15% / year |
Spaceship Explorer Portfolio | 0.25% / year |
Spaceship Galaxy Portfolio | 0.35% / year |
Spaceship Universe Portfolio | 0.50% / year |
Spaceship Earth Portfolio | 0.50% / year |
The management fee accrues daily and is payable monthly in arrears. It is deducted from each fund’s assets and reflected in each fund’s unit price.
Other fees
There are no brokerage, operational, withdrawal or other transactional fees or costs. Third-party fees may apply.
All fees and costs are inclusive of GST and net of any expected reduced input tax credits. Please see the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Reference Guide for more information.